The Science of Bug Bites

Have you ever wondered how biting insects manage to locate their human hosts and why some people get bitten more than others? Here, we'll explore the fascinating science behind bug bites—covering how biting insects choose their targets, what happens to our bodies during a bite, and what factors influence why some people are more susceptible. Understanding these mechanisms can help you better prepare and protect yourself.

How Biting Insects Locate Hosts

Biting insects like mosquitoes, ticks, and biting flies are equipped with highly specialized sensory systems that allow them to locate potential hosts. The primary way mosquitoes and many other biting insects locate their targets is through carbon dioxide (CO₂) detection. All warm-blooded animals, including humans, exhale CO₂, and biting insects can detect this gas from considerable distances. When you exhale, mosquitoes home in on that cloud of CO₂, leading them in your direction.

Mosquitoes and other biting insects also use other cues to zero in on their prey. They are particularly sensitive to:

  • Body Heat: Mosquitoes use thermoreceptors to sense body heat. This allows them to detect where the blood is closest to the surface, guiding them to the best bite location.

  • Sweat and Skin Odors: Substances such as lactic acid, urea, and ammonia—common components of human sweat—are highly attractive to biting insects. The unique cocktail of chemicals that your body emits makes you more or less appealing compared to other people.

  • Movement and Dark Colors: Biting insects are drawn to movement, which can indicate the presence of a live host. Mosquitoes also tend to prefer dark colors over light ones, as dark clothing is more visible to them.

Understanding "Bite Magnets"

If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only one being bitten while others around you seem immune, you’re not imagining it—biting insects do have preferences. Some of the factors that make certain individuals more attractive to biting insects include:

  • Blood Type: Studies suggest that mosquitoes may prefer people with Type O blood over other blood types (source). Researchers believe that people with Type O blood produce more attractant chemicals that mosquitoes can detect.

  • Body Chemistry: Everyone has a different chemical profile, resulting in a unique mix of skin bacteria, sweat components, and scent. Certain skin bacteria, particularly some species in the genus Staphylococcus, may be more attractive to biting insects. The presence of higher bacterial diversity, on the other hand, might make you less appealing to them.

  • Heat and Sweat: People who naturally run hotter or sweat more frequently produce more lactic acid and heat, which attracts mosquitoes. Athletes and those who spend more time outdoors can be at higher risk.

  • Carbon Dioxide Production: Larger individuals exhale more CO₂ than smaller ones, making them more attractive targets for mosquitoes. This explains why adults are often bitten more than children.

The Body’s Immune Response to Bug Bites

When an insect bites you, it isn’t just leaving behind a wound—it’s injecting saliva into your skin. Insect saliva contains a mix of anticoagulants and anesthetics designed to help the insect feed without being noticed. This saliva is what triggers the body’s immune response and causes the familiar itchy, swollen bump.

Upon being bitten, the immune system immediately recognizes the foreign proteins in the saliva and dispatches antibodies to the site. These antibodies signal for the release of histamine, a chemical that dilates blood vessels and helps white blood cells move to the affected area to fight off the intruder. This is what causes the characteristic redness, swelling, and itchiness of a bug bite.

While most people only experience a mild local reaction, the body’s immune response can vary significantly from person to person. Some individuals develop large, painful welts or even hives, a reaction known as Skeeter syndrome (source). On the other hand, frequent exposure to bites over time can lead to desensitization, where the immune system produces a reduced reaction.

Why Reactions Differ Among People

The intensity of your body’s reaction to a bug bite is largely determined by your immune system. Individuals with more sensitive immune responses often experience stronger reactions—more itching, swelling, and redness. Factors that influence these variations include:

  • Previous Exposure: Your immune system learns from past experiences. If you’ve been bitten by mosquitoes frequently, your immune system may learn to respond less aggressively. Conversely, if you rarely get bitten, you might experience a stronger reaction.

  • Genetics: Genetic factors can play a big role in how your body reacts. Some people inherit a tendency for stronger histamine reactions, making bug bites more uncomfortable.

  • Allergic Reactions: People with allergies or sensitive skin may experience more severe reactions to bug bites. These responses are generally harmless but can be particularly uncomfortable.

Prevention and Management

Knowing the science behind bug bites can also help inform the best strategies for prevention and management.

  • Avoidance: Since CO₂ and sweat are major attractants, minimizing intense physical activity in peak insect hours (dusk and dawn) can help reduce bites. Wearing light-colored clothing and using physical barriers like insect screens can also help.
  • Repellents: Topical repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or essential oils such as lemon eucalyptus are highly effective in deterring biting insects. BITESHIELD, for example, uses a combination of natural extracts, including garlic and eucalyptus, which are known to help mask the chemical cues that attract mosquitoes.
  • After-Bite Treatment: Over-the-counter topical treatments containing antihistamines, hydrocortisone, or calamine lotion can help soothe itching and inflammation. BITESHIELD includes anti-inflammatory ingredients like curcumin to help manage the symptoms of bites.

Other Interesting Facts About Bug Bites

  • Ticks Don’t Fly, They Climb: Unlike mosquitoes, ticks find hosts by climbing onto tall grasses or bushes and waiting for a potential host to brush by. This process is called questing, and ticks use it to latch onto passing animals or people. Once attached, they insert their mouthparts to feed on blood, often injecting pathogens that can cause diseases like Lyme disease.

  • Heat and Carbon Dioxide Traps: Scientists have learned to use insects' attraction to heat and CO₂ against them. Traps that emit CO₂ and mimic human body heat are effective tools for attracting and trapping mosquitoes, reducing the local population.

  • Why Itching Feels Good: Scratching a bite offers temporary relief because it creates a minor pain stimulus that can distract your brain from the itch. However, scratching can increase inflammation, making the bite worse over time.


Biting insects have evolved an impressive range of methods for detecting and feeding on their hosts. They are drawn to the carbon dioxide you exhale, the heat your body emits, and the chemical signatures of your sweat and skin. While some people seem to be more attractive to biting insects due to factors like blood type or body chemistry, the body’s immune response is ultimately what makes a bite feel itchy and uncomfortable.

Products like BITESHIELD take advantage of the knowledge we have about insect attraction by incorporating natural ingredients to mask or deter the chemical cues that biting insects use to find their targets. By understanding the science behind bug bites, we can better protect ourselves from these pesky invaders and mitigate their impact on our daily lives.